Investigators Handbook


The Handbook is a unique and practical guide to investigating:

  1. Companies.
  2. PFI and partnership projects.
  3. Public bodies and quangos.
  4. Developers and contractors.
  5. Central and local government.
  6. International organisations and policies.
  7. Development.
  8. Education and community learning.
  9. Options appraisal and impact assessment.
  10. Potential appointees to public bodies.

The Handbook will be of use to local authorities, public bodies, organisations, community groups, journalists, students, and trade unions. It tells you what information is available and how to get it from more than 1500 sources on the world wide web, local libraries and public and private publications.

It also has sections on how to find out about policies, projects and initiatives in health, education, housing, regeneration, criminal justice, roads and transport, utilities, the environment and waste management and a section on investigating internationally.

The Investigator's Handbook was originally published in 1975 as part of Community Action magazine and sold more than 8000 copies.

Dexter Whitfield, Director of the Centre for Public Services and co-author of the 1975 and 2003 Handbooks said:

"the initial Investigators Handbook became a standard tool for public bodies, community organisations and trade unions for investigating companies, developers and quangos,"

"The Handbook is an invaluable tool for people to get to the information they need, fast "


This document was last modified on 2015-12-03 17:49:29.
European Services Strategy Unit, Duagh, Camp, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland.
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