Health and Social Care and Sustainable Development in the East of England

East Of England Health
  1. Defining Sustainable Development

  2. Inequality, Health and Health Inequalities

  3. Health and Social Care Employment in the East of England

  4. Procurement of goods and services

  5. Planned Growth and Sustainability

  6. Opportunities, Barriers and Challenges to Sustainable Development in Health and Social Care

  7. Existing and Potential Linkages to Regional Strategies

  8. Recommendations

  9. The East of England Labour Market

  10. Methodology for Assessing Indirect Employment

  11. Procurement of goods and services

  12. Report of Sub-Regional Consultation

This document was last modified on 2015-09-25 14:21:59.
European Services Strategy Unit, Duagh, Camp, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland.
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