Secondment of Staff for New Tyne Tunnel PPP

The case for seconding the 95 staff employed on the existing Tyne Tunnel rather than transferring them to the operator of the New Tunnel was set in a detailed report for Newcastle UNISON.

The case for seconding 95 staff employed on the existing Tyne Tunnel rather than transferring them to the operator of the New Tunnel was set in a detailed report for Newcastle UNISON. However, the Passenger Transport Authority decided to transfer staff to the new operator when the tunnel is built.

Tyne Tunnal


European Services Strategy Unit, Duagh, Camp, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland.
Copyright © 1998-2017 European Services Strategy Unit

This document was created by Dexter Whitfield on 2006-11-28 15:39:53.
This document was last modified by Dexter Whitfield on 2015-09-22 16:59:46.
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