Public Service Practice

A series of best practice reports on key aspects of public management.

The Public Service Practice Series aims to give advice and guidance to public policy professionals about the progressive implementation of modernisation and other initiatives while retaining a focus on broader issues of social justice, equalities, staff and user involvement and community well being.

A Handbook for Checking Specifications (PSP6)
For contracts and service level agreements (May 1995). Contents: Contract Packaging. Specification Strategy. Performance Standards. Quality Plan. Method Statements. Equal opportunities. Council policy. Environmental policy. Evaluation criteria. Specification and tendering instructions. Monitoring performance. Contract conditions. Quantifying the work. Pricing mechanisms. Preparing the in-house bid. Preparing for tender evaluation.
2004-03-17 11:52:25
Best Value Implementation Handbook (PSP8)
A guide to implementing Best Value, incorporating the Best Value Code for Quality Employment (November 1998). Contents: Best Value strategic management framework. Corporate policies, strategic objectives and definition of Best Value. Performance standards, indicators and benchmarking. User, employee and public involvement. Best Value Code for Quality Employment. Implementation plan. Baseline profile. Service reviews and competitiveness policy. Local Performance Plan for continuous improvement.
2004-03-17 10:30:44
Equal Opportunities Strategy for Competetive Tendering (PSP2)
A detailed handbook for equal opportunities in competetive tendering. Contents: Legislative context. Who should be involved. Building equalities into the key stages of the tendering process. Implementing equalities in Direct Service Organisations. Trade union guidance.
2004-03-17 12:43:25
Frontline Involvement
Good practice guidelines on employee and trade union participation in Best Value (April 2001). Contents: Guidelines for frontline involvement. Corporate policies. Summary of <strong>Working Together for Best Value Involvement of frontline employees. Commitment to quality employment, equity, sustainability and directly provided services. Employees and unions involved throughout the Best Value process. Re-organising in-house services. Examining market testing options. Local agreements. Advice and support. Technical and quality assessment. *Download report*
2004-03-17 13:53:45
Management Consultants: A Best Value Handbook (PSP9)
A practical guide for local authorities, health and public bodies, trade unions and community organisations (December 1999). Assessing the need for consultants. Best Value selection and evaluation of consultants. Negotiating model agreements. Trade union options and strategies. Guidance for community organisations. Consultants in Best Value and PPP projects. Assessing consultants proposals. The consultancy market. Appendices: Company profiles. Codes of practice and professional conduct. *Download report*
2004-03-17 09:59:44
Monitoring Public Services
A practical guide to monitoring outsourced public services (September 1991). The practice and policies of monitoring. The need for monitoring. Lessons for improvement. Differential monitoring costs. Monitoring and quality control plans. User and trade union role in monitoring. Example Trade Union Questionnaire. *Download report*
2004-03-23 15:45:18
Public Services and Business Plans (PSP5)
A detailed handbook for developing public service planning (February 1993). Planning the future of public services. Designing plans for the public sector. Planning and the 'internal market'. Organising the planning process. Useful planning techniques. Preparing a public service plan. Presenting and using the plan.
2004-03-17 12:29:15
Strategy for Best Value
Guidance for developing Best Value Strategies (October 1997). Contents: Government Proposals. A seven part definition of Best Value. How should Best Value be assessed? Which services will it cover? Employee and user involvement. Achieving social justice through Best Value Re-organising in-house services. Examining market testing options. Corporate policies. New opportunities for DSOs. Public management and Best Value. Resource issues. *Download report*
2004-03-17 14:02:38
Tender Evaluation (PSP1)
A detailed handbook for Tender Evaluation in white collar, professional and manual services (March 1994). Contents: Preparing for tender evaluation. Trade union and user role in tender evaluation. Balancing quality and price. Compliance with specification and contract conditions. Technical and quality assessment. Evaluation matrix. Environment assessment. Financial assessment. TUPE policy. Contract decision. Technical and quality assessment. Best Practice: Accounting for all the costs and benefits.
2004-03-17 13:36:36
User/Employee Involvement in Best Value, PFI and Partnerships (PSP7)
A handbook for local authorities, health and other public bodies, user and community organisations and trade unions (April 1998). Contents: Policy Changes affecting user/employee involvement. Defining the user/employee relationship. User/employee involvement in Best Value. User/employee involvement in assessing Best Value and continuous improvement. User/employee involvement in PFI projects. Developing a participative and responsive organisation. Trade unions and user organisations working together. Equal opportunities and social justice best practice. User involvement and participation techniques. User/employee involvement in specific services. Training, resources and capacity building. Appendix: Definition of quality: A public service quality framework.
2004-03-17 10:59:46


European Services Strategy Unit, Duagh, Camp, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland.
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