Analysis of public sector reform strategies – One Barnet Critique; Costs and Consequences of Commissioning; One Barnet: The Wrong Approach to Transformation; Future Shape Programme.
- Costs and Consequences of Commissioning Council
UNISON has called on the London Borough of Barnet to immediately abandon its plan to become a Commissioning Council. The report by the European Services Strategy Unit (ESSU) documents the fundamental weaknesses in each stage of the procurement process for two large strategic partnerships of up to £1billion value and nearly 1,000 staff. The report documents the Council’s commissioning of two large strategic partnership contracts, assesses the Council’s reorganisation to become a Commissioning Council and examines the impact of this model for service users, elected members, staff and community and voluntary organisations. The Costs and Consequences of a One Barnet Commissioning Council study also revealed a systemic failure in contract management in Adult Services and proposes an alternative strategy (June 2012).
2014-09-13 12:40:29 - One Barnet Critique
An analysis of the One Barnet Framework report to Cabinet (29 November 2010) highlighting the disingenuous language, short cutting business practice, the high of cost consultants and how the Council is distorting savings figures (November, 2010).
2014-09-13 13:54:41 - Barnet: Future Shape of the Council Briefings
The London Borough of Barnet commenced the Future Shape of the Council project in May 2008 to review the organisation of the Council, challenges and changing demands on the capacity of the Council.
2008-09-09 11:03:05 - Failure to Assess Options for Future Shape of the Council
A critique of the London Borough of Barnet proposals to radically change the responsibilities, role and functions of the Council for UNISON, GMB, NUT and NASUWT. It shows how the Council has failed to undertake options appraisal of proposals to create a Joint Venture Company and service delivery vehicles for all public services in the borough. It would create a new contract bureaucracy which would undermine the council’s successful city suburb plans; threaten jobs, terms and conditions and pensions; and is based on a flawed approach to achieve value for money (December 2008).
2014-09-13 13:00:44 - One Barnet: The Wrong Approach to Transformation
A highly critical overview of the London Borough of Barnet’s outsourcing and privatisation transformation programme. Identifies the risks and failures in the preparation for procurement. A second report examines the One Barnet Framework showing how it uses disingenuous language to conceal the Council’s real agenda and distorts estimated transformation ‘savings’ (November, 2010).
2014-09-13 12:47:48 - Future Shape of the Council: Comments on Phase 2 Cabinet and Interim Reports
Barnet Council's Future Shape programme has concluded that a single ‘vehicle’ for the delivery of all Council service was is not feasible. The Council now plans a three-stage process of consolidation, commissioning and provision under a ‘one Barnet public sector’ approach. This report is the joint trade union response to the second phase two Future Shape report to Cabinet on 6 July 2009.
2014-09-13 13:04:28 - Future Shape Questions
A series of questions directed at the Council on options appraisal, democratic governance, opportunities for innovation, employment, evidence based policy and the evaluation process and criteria (June 2010).
2014-09-13 10:45:00 - Cardiff Council’s Transformation Strategy: An assessment and the case for a new approach to Public Service Reform
Examines Cardiff Council’s transformation ‘insourcing’ strategy consisting of four major strategic partnerships with the private sector. The assessment, commissioned by Cardiff UNISON, examines service driven verses ‘customer centric service delivery’, the lack of citizen and community involvement and the problems of top-down budget dominated transformation. It proposes an alternative transformation strategy that is substantive and sustainable, protects and improves the quality of service, achieves a better balance between transformational change and budget objectives, involves staff and trade unions in the transformation process and protects the quality of employment.
Plus *TATA Contract Strategy* The briefing paper outlines a strategy to try to minimise the use of the TATA contract and to ensure that the Council, services, staff and the local economy gain the maximum benefit, if or when, the contract is implemented.
2014-09-13 13:20:57 - Barnet 10-point Plan
A viable alternative to the Councils current outsourcing plan to award large long-term strategic partnership contracts for Development and Regulatory Services and New Support and Customer Services Organisation in late 2012 and early 2013.
2012-11-06 15:25:07 - FAQ of Barnet Council's Future Shape
A series of questions and answers about Barnet Council's Future Shape project, revealing what this transformation programme is really about.
2014-09-22 14:23:17
European Services Strategy Unit, Duagh, Camp, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland.
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Dexter Whitfield
2014-09-13 12:21:51.
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Dexter Whitfield
2016-01-05 09:08:36.
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